Thursday, September 22, 2016

6 Things Only Dads Whit Daughters Would Understand

One of the greatest moments in my life was the day my daughter was born. While a lot of men wish for a son to throw a football around or share a love of cars with, raising a girl can be equally rewarding. Here are the reasons why having a daughter has been one of the most fulfilling life experiences for me.

She can be taught how to do anything she puts her mind to
Having a daughter carries a lot of responsibility, especially with making sure she does not feel limited by her gender. Early on my wife and I discussed the importance of raising our girl to be open-minded to anything and everything that interests her. I especially wanted to make sure that she felt competent to play any sport or excel in math and science at school, areas that are usually thought of as more male-focused pursuits.

She is influenced by her parents’ relationship with each other
A daughter is aware of how I treat her mom and how we balance our relationship within the context of our daily lives. I try to make sure that she sees that I do my fair share of the chores and help out around the house with cooking and childcare. It is important that she experiences firsthand parents who strive to have equality both professionally and at home as well. My hope is that when she gets old enough she will take a similar model with her own relationships.

She needs me most during her teenage years
She has a few more years, but I know that when my daughter becomes a teenager this is the time she needs me the most. I have heard from other dads how difficult these years can be with their daughters, but I am determined to stand by her thick and thin. I know that I will not be able to be much help in the female department with periods and new body changes, but I will make sure that she knows I am there to lean on whether she is going through her first heartbreak or having trouble with friends.

She needs to learn how to stand her own ground
One of the most important things I can teach her is to be assertive and fight for what is right. This is a essential trait that will benefit her throughout her entire life. Whether she is being told she is not talented enough or teased for a certain way that she appears or thinks, there is no stronger weapon than teaching her how to fight back with her words.

She flourishes from sharing her interests with you
I have realized that it is important to show interest in the activities and hobbies that she enjoys, even if it is something that does not interest me in the slightest. When my daughter was younger she loved playing with her toy horses, creating elaborate stables for them out of building blocks and spending hours galloping the around the living room. What made her even more happy was the moments that I joined her on the ground and participated in her make-believe world. I have made it my duty as she grow up to continue to be present for all the things that she loves to do, whether it is a dance recital or a soccer game.

She needs to hear that she is smart as well as beautiful
Telling my daughter she is smart is one of the most important phrases that I can say to her and it never will grow old. It is important as a dad of a daughter to not only complement her on her outward appearance, but also encourage her intelligence and remind her that looks are not as important as what is inside your mind.

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