Thursday, September 22, 2016

8 Funny Comics About Parenting That You Need To See

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Parenting is a full-time job that you may find absolutely wearisome, but at the end of the day you love it. This is life, parents! With two kids, aged 22 months apart, in my life, I don’t even know how the time passes! I say God has given us, the parents, the special power to endure our children’s tantrums, their constant crankiness, their laughter.

There are times when the frustration levels hit a high and you feel down and cranky — just like your kids. But parenting is fun as well. Lots of fun. And to lighten things up, to make you realise the funny side of parenting, here is a man, a cartoonist to be more exact, who has made hilarious parenting comics. These cover most of the daily topics we go through.

Brian Gordon is his name. Just like you and I, he is a dad who struggles with being a dad. Sound familiar? Well, he’s a genius (and a geek) who made his own website called Fowl Language Comics, where you will find comics which are pretty much taken from his real life experiences. So, without further ado, here are 8 funny comics about parenting that you definitely need to see!


Perfect strip to start this with! Parenting is all about frustration, drudgery, testing your patience to the fullest. Yet, it is the best thing on earth. Parenting is confusing. A good confusion. It doesn’t make sense. Have a kid, you will understand. And if you already have a kid, then you know what I mean!


This is one of the truest facts on earth! Noisy kids are so much better. Because once your rowdy kids are silent, you know they are up to some super mischief. Do not trust the silent ones. Bottom line: Silence is golden — unless you have kids, then silence is dangerous.


All the parents, especially the new ones, will totally agree with this one. This happens to me EVERY time I decide to have some me time. Unfortunately, for the last three and a half years, I have been unsuccessful in enjoying whatever little free time I have on hand. The following cartoon strip will give you a wider explanation for your ultimate exhaustion.


Be prepared, parents! Children of all ages will simply wake you up because they felt like it. Or because they are bored. Newborns have a natural instinct for staying wide awake at the wrong times — especially when it’s night and human beings are supposed to sleep. By the time they catch up on the normal routine, they will wake up in the middle of the night and either start crying because they are hungry, or they will start playing, and will expect you to accompany them. There goes your sleep!


Talking about kids playing — half the time you are standing there clueless because what you are doing is wrong and you just don’t understand the nature of the game. It’s long and complicated. In the end, there are high probabilities of both the players reaching peak levels of frustration. It happens.


It doesn’t really matter whether you have failed in playing with your child. If you are blessed with two (or more), they won’t even need you. They have amazing team work. Or something of that sort. This happens to me all the time. No matter in which room I go, once I leave their room, I’ll count up to five seconds, and voila! One of them (usually the younger one) will scream at the top of her lungs. No one knows what happens in that span of five seconds!


With our first child, we are always on alert. By the time we welcome the second mini-me, we have ground knowledge of some common things kids do. For example, their sudden fits of screaming. They have their own reasons, of course — we just fail to understand them.


This is the best. And hilarious. We are so used to them falling down, scratching arms and legs, bleeding through this body part, straining that body part, that by the time they are older, we just give up. You break your leg? Just put some ice bags over it and you’ll be fine. No more panic attacks. We are over it.

No matter what they do, how bizarre they get, how annoying they can be, we love them with all our hearts. Parenting is the best thing that can happen. They’ll keep you entertained non-stop. When they grow up and become independent, you’ll look back and smile. You’ll miss them. So, enjoy your parenting while you can!

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