Thursday, September 22, 2016

Your Words Affect Your Mind:10 Sings Happy People Say Everyday

Do you think you are a happy person? Truly happy people do not wait for happiness to find them; instead, they bring positivism and happiness to themselves. They understand that their words are the best tools they have to make others happy, which makes them happy too. Check out these 10 things happy people say every day:

1. “I am really happy to see you.”
A huge part of making yourself happy is making sure that the people around you are happy. This statement is one of the simplest ways to let someone know that being in their presence makes you feel positive, and it shows that you value and respect them.

2. “Seeing you always makes me happy.”
This ups the ante of the previous statement–it is presenting the same positive message while implying that the person you are talking to always holds the power to make you feel positive. For the person you are talking to, they will feel grateful, appreciative and happy, and you will feel happy for putting a smile on someone’s face.

3. “I took your suggestion.”
If someone has given you advice, it is normally because they care about you and want to help to come up with solutions to your problems. No doubt this will have made you feel good–we all love to be cared for! It doesn’t matter if they gave you advice on how to save money or if they recommended a cafĂ©; return the favour by telling them that you listened to them, and what they said impacted and benefited you.

4. “You have come so far.”
A big part of happiness is celebrating achievements and accomplishments, as this takes hard work and effort. Give something back and reward your friends for their achievements–they will appreciate the gesture.

5. “I was really impressed when you…”
Take number four one step further and focus on specific achievements your loved ones have made. Instead of just making your friend feel good, this offers proof to them that they are a hard-working achiever.

6. “I know you’re capable of more.”
Everyone needs a push sometimes, especially if they are having a tough time. Part of a loving relationship is coaching someone to achieve their full potential. Saying this can help remind your friends how awesome they really are. If saying this pushes them to achieve more, they will remember your comment and feel inspired and grateful.

7. “I’d like to hear what you think about…”
If you love and respect someone, it is very likely that you will value their opinions. However, many people don’t want to share their opinions because they don’t want to seem too forward or too pushy. Instead, show your friends and co-workers than their opinions are important and relevant to you.

8. “Tell me more.”
This statement is both kind and reassuring; many people worry that they have been talking for too long and that no one is listening or interested. This tells them that you are still listening, and that you value what they are saying to you.

9. “You’re welcome.”
There are many ways to say you are thankful; “no worries”, “no problem” and “don’t worry about it”. However, the best way to say this is to say “you’re welcome”. It is more appreciative, and it acknowledges their thanks properly.

10. “Thank you.”
Many of the words on this list reflect appreciation and gratitude. “Thank you” is the most powerful way to do this, and for many people it has more power and meaning behind it. For instance; thank you for reading this article!

What did you think of this list? Share it with your happiest friends and see what they think too!

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